Monday, June 01, 2009

Fritz Cronheim


Hey, kool,
just as Jesus!

No, not quite,
may be smarter
definitely plus chess.

of nameless ignorance
if never called out to you
we never met.

In our backward village tribe
much of the world hadn't yet penetrated
and found the queer natives dwelling there.
Even wide-ranging Africans hadn't
prior plumbed primitive people
of Arlington.

Many chess games,
news & views
far & distant
in light me
sum few if
any were my
peace is still
still on board
at the end.

Often my thoughts


where were you now
what were you doing
what were your thoughts
was it a rook & pawn endgame‽

I didn't
add up
that you'd traveled so far away
that it is real that quite some time
will be before another game of chess.

—Harmon Ronaldson

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