Saturday, May 31, 2008


It's chīlly in the 中國。

Friday, May 30, 2008

Uncle Billy Roberts' Nickle

My mother's proudest possession.

Her favorite Uncle gave her
Before crushing logs

Her brother thought it would be good
To buy a coat for his intended girlfriend.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Lawrence at Home

Long straight road
round corner
Parker's house

Over shoulder,
"Hold tight!"

Watching Honda's speedo climbing.
Superior 750 power bro'.

100, 110, 120
How far would it go?

Home no more,
road ends.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

He ŝee a she, whee!


Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Your Turning Intentions

What you intend - does not exist
What your tyre does - is

If the top of your front tyre is still
you are good

If the top of your front tyre is turning
it is a matter of great concern.

Think Effects Affects Me

Could not care less
what you think

Only care
what you do


What you think
what you do

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

In ðis country

In a country badly governed,
wealth is something to be ashamed of.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Found On Road Dead

Cold metal brush
Explorering crosswalk

Rubbering me the wrong way

Must you need kill me
to reach a red light‽

Monday, May 05, 2008


An old man
helped my other mother
with her yard and gardening

He must have been
thirty, maybe forty

Beside him I rode in his old pickup truck
To a cabin on Pea Ridge

Gravel beside the road
Land sweeping down to the distance

Neatly swept floor
Hard packed

roam the yard

I could play with

I could eat

Water magically flowing
just by moving a handle
up and down

A special house
out back
for restroom

Later he drove me back.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Atlantic Beach

Written in
the beach
high tide

now a
clean slate.



Celina Branch

Willow dropped her broken limb
in shallow branch

water tugging down
flowed by wrist full

my toy boat caught there
momentum in time
yearning to be passed

pushing past,
forking past,
down stream.

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Early Mourning

Through mist i
Thought I saw you standing by the river
Watching geese

Paddling & swiming
Noisily living
Eating & honking
Waddling up the riverbank

Mist cleared, you're gone.

Friday, May 02, 2008

The Seventh Commandment

I find it hard to resist breaking the seventh commandment sometimes. How about you‽

7. Do not mix sacrificial blood with leavened bread.

Classic Reflector•ism

Drug busts lead to arrests
The Daily Reflector
Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Thorough Leaving

No portage to kettlehole
in Concord's tree domain

No walking to Wachusett
wilt now let us roam Maine

Thursday, May 01, 2008

As twilight leaves the sun set day

As twilight leaves the sun set day
I would tarry on my way

to darker realms of sunless night
live and struggle as I might

the spinning globe of time goes round
silence takes away all sound

and if in slumber I repose
answer only God that knows.

—Harmon Ronaldson