Sunday, August 31, 2008

Q. & A.

Q. I've all questions.
A. I've all answers.

Note: Now if someone could just pair them up correctly for me I'd much appreciate it.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Morning Storm

Morning rain over our house
I rode away into clear weather.

Bad Boy

Bad - Not good
Boy - Not man

Always defending
completely lacking

Without courage
to keep commitment

I know him not

It would please me more than he
to be proven completely wrong.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Feeling s o sequential

Guessed Gus Gust

Haitian hovering guest
Gustav gushes,

麼暗 Motorcycle Koan :: How To Write a Chinese Poem

How To Write a Chinese Poem

A well-known Japanese poet, Niiro Kyousou, was asked how to compose a Chinese poem.

"The usual Chinese poem is four lines," Kyousou explained. "The first line contains the initial phrase; the second line, the continuation of that phrase; the third line turns from this subject and begins a new one; and the fourth line brings the first three lines together. A popular Japanese song illustrates this:

Two F650s of BMW were made in Germany.
The elder has chain, the younger, belt.
A sport bike may kill with its price,
But these bikes slay men with their farkles."

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Rush In Lover

Q. Why does everyone in South Ossetia love Russia?
A. Everyone who didn't was shot.

Dead Reckoning

In recognition of the Russian Duma recognizing the independence of South Ossetia,

I would like to recognize democracy in Russia.

Also, I would like to recognize the independence of Narnia.

Losing it

Life long losing
battle with loss

Monday, August 25, 2008

麼暗 Motorcycle Koan :: Rusty F650

Rusty F650

A nun who was searching for enlightenment bought an F650 and covered it with Touratech. Wherever she went she rode the Touratech F650.

Years passed and, still riding her F650, the nun came to live in a small town in a country where there were many F650s, each one with its own particular garage.

The nun wished to daily clean her Touratech F650, not liking the idea of mud covering her F650 like it did all the others. This rusted her Touratech F650, making it especially ugly.

Saturday, August 23, 2008


左道 無 限道限 無 道右

Friday, August 22, 2008

Lest as sure a boz worth

two door's down
Hank's even
3 Dick's death
broom'swept out
two door's rose

Peerless Thoughts

What a jury of one’s peers think

Several years ago, not exact quotes but approximate.

Linda V. said, “My husband is serving on a jury this week.”

Near as I can recall the trial was for someone charged with a serious crime - on the order of murder.

“He is going to do his duty and convict [the defendant].”

I asked her why it would be his duty to convict the defendant regardless of any proof of his guilt.

She said, “You can't believe any of that evidence the defense brings forward, it is just to get him off.” and “After all, the police wouldn't have arrested him if he wasn't guilty.”

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

麼暗 Motorcycle Koan :: The Most Valuable Thing in the World

The Most Valuable Thing in the World

Zen master 價值, was asked by an inmate: "What is the most valuable thing in the world?"

The master replied: "A broken water pump from an F650."

"Why is a broken water pump from an F650 the most valuable thing in the world?" inquired the inmate.

Jiazhi replied: "Because no one can name its price."

Monday, August 18, 2008

麼暗 Motorcycle Koan :: The Blockhead Cager

The Blockhead Cager

Two Zen teachers, Guretsu and Gosei, were invited to visit a cager. Upon arriving, Gosei said to the cager: "You drive skillfully by nature and have an inborn ability to learn."

"Nonsense," said Guretsu. "Why do you flatter this blockhead? He's a cager, so he doesn't know anything."

So, instead of running over Gosei, the cager ran over Guretsu.

Saturday, August 16, 2008


But I feel only partially eclipsed.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

麼暗 Motorcycle Koan :: Temper


A Zen student came to Nagoyaka and complained: "Master, I have an ungovernable temper. How can I cure it?"

"You have something very strange," replied Nagoyaka. "Let me see what you have."

"Just now I cannot show it to you," replied the other.

"When can you show it to me?" asked Nagoyaka.

"It arises unexpectedly from cagers on the road," replied the student.

"Then," concluded Nagoyaka, "it must not be your own true nature. If it were, you could show it to me at any time. When you mounted your bike you did not have it, and your riding did not give it to you. Think that over."

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

麼暗 Motorcycle Koan :: A Cup of Tea

A Cup of Tea

Nakano, a Japanese master during the 平成 era (1989- ), received a scholar who came to inquire about riding.

Nakano served tea. He poured his visitor's cup full, and then kept on pouring.

The scholar watched the overflow until he no longer could restrain himself. "It is overfull. No more will go in!"

"Like this cup," Nakano said, "you are full of your own opinions and speculations. How can you learn to ride unless you first empty your cup?"

Zen Koans

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


29 : naw a deugain

Now adoo gain

Now a do gain's on me :)

I've score twice and nine.

Veggy's I'm a l'speak

Monday, August 11, 2008

麼暗 Motorcycle Koan :: Returning to the Ordinary World

Returning to the Ordinary World

An inmate asked Sabaku,
"How does a rider of bikes return to driving an automobile?"

Sabaku replied, "A broken mirror never reflects again;
fallen flowers never go back to the old branches."



Mayan long count
12 baktun 19 katun 15 tun 10 uinal 7 kin

Desert Passion

Last tide of the inland sea,
the passion went out
leaving behind desert sand
and dry bones.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Old Creep

New Cadillac
old man

stop on Forrest Hill

creep on to 10th
creep on 10th

I stop on 10th

creep left before me.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

麼暗 Motorcycle Koan :: The CS in the Garden

The CS in the Garden

An inmate saw a CS in the garden of Kozentaru's monastery and asked the teacher,
"All bikes keep their oil in tank or engine.
Why does this bike keep oil in its frame?"
Master Kozentaru took off on it.

Friday, August 08, 2008

If you build it, they will come

KZ Mauthausen (August 7, 1938 - Spring 1945)
  • DEST
  • Accumulatoren-Fabrik AFA
  • Bayer
  • Deutsche Bergwerks- und Hüttenbau
  • Linz-based Eisenwerke Oberdonau
  • Flugmotorenwerke Ostmark
  • Otto Eberhard Patronenfabrik
  • Heinkel und Messerschmitt
  • Hofherr und Schrenz
  • Österreichische Sauerwerks
  • PUCH
  • Rax-Werke
  • Steyr
  • Steyr-Daimler-Puch
  • Universale Hoch und Tiefbau

Très Huit

Whee variate!

Thursday, August 07, 2008

麼暗 Motorcycle Koan 七

An inmate asked Master FǎLàXu to teach him.
法辣旭 夫子 asked, "Have you an F650?"
The inmate replied, "Yes, I have."
"Then go ride it," said 法辣旭 夫子。
At that moment, the inmate was enlightened.
Note: All attributions, since they are of great antiquity, may be erroneous.
法辣旭 FaLaXu (Law spicy sun)

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

麼暗 Motorcycle Koan 六

An inmate asked Pai-chang,
"What is a matter of special wonder?"
Pai-chang said, "Riding alone at Deal's Gap."
The inmate rode off and the Dragon struck him.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Religion :: Vaccine of the masses‽

Fincher, Corey L. and Thornhill, Randy. 2008. "Assortative sociality, limited dispersal, infectious disease and the genesis of the global pattern of religion diversity". Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, July 29.

麼暗 Motorcycle Koan 五

Grand Master 法辣旭's Classic was unwell.
The inmate asked him, "FǎLàXu, how has your venerable Classic been lately?"
The Grand Master said, "Ride Classic, Repair Classic."
Note: All attributions, since they are of great antiquity, may be erroneous.
法辣旭 FaLaXu (Law spicy sun)


I won't go
without thee‽

Monday, August 04, 2008

麼暗 Motorcycle Koan 四

The inmate asked 趙州, "Does an F650 have Buddha nature or not?"
趙州 said, "Wúwúwúwú"

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Алекса́ндр Иса́евич Солжени́цын

A fortunate man,
now safe from pain,
having lived his life well.

(December 11, 1918 - August 3, 2008)

Dumb Girl

From the Valley
girl expression mute
she leaves stop sign

left Cherokee flying
before me

I Kent stop.

麼暗 Motorcycle Koan 三

Two cylinders fire and there is a sound;
what is the sound of one cylinder?

Saturday, August 02, 2008

麼暗 Motorcycle Koan 二

Which way does a squirrel jump?

Friday, August 01, 2008

麼暗 Motorcycle Koan 一

Repairing a bike,
why's the repair
what you do last?

The Brand - Wúwúwúwúwúwú

The day they drove you to my town
and all my smiles were singin'
The day they drove you to my town
and your horns were ringin'

I went:
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah!