Saturday, July 17, 2010


Don't cry for me, Argentina, seeing me so grave

This little space was hollow and thundered
By Lucid eccentric, ice broken ground
Father, Father, are you ‽
Mother, Mother, cry, cry!

Michael struggled, cried, moaned
Peter sank deep the golden lance ...
Only One, We're an other alone,
None dare cast the true chance ▽

Friday, July 16, 2010

Ordo Præditorum Priorities

Art. 5

The more grave delict of the attempted sacred ordination of a woman is also reserved to the [Roman Inquisition]: ...

Art. 6

§ 1. The more grave delicts against morals which are reserved to the [Roman Inquisition] are:

1° the delict against the sixth commandment of the Decalogue committed by a cleric with a minor ...


Song of my sort

Let the snake wait while
the weed
the writhing

slow & quick
sharp & strike
quiet & wait

met a four two wreck on I'll
the man & the stoned

Composing no ideas
but the thing itself


Sex I rage is my power
that splits
and rocks

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Misses Hippy

Striving 4
precise ambiguity

f just achieving

muddy waters

well ...

Muddy Waters was petty good

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Woody, so long, bare


Up and woody, I know where
Two ones fall.
Yet I and him are all
His phantasy.


I too,
I sing merry as can be
I who dare,
Great and careless love, I laugh at care,
And since
You're gone


In woods grow weary,
In scented woods, drowsy, call


Woody, so long, bare

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A is for

A is for Ass
B is for Bum
C is for call me when you want to come

D is for Danny
E is for Ed
F is for (guess this one!)

G is for George
H is for Harmon
I is for my self I guess I'm this one

J is for Jack
K is for Kool
L is for Love which makes all a fool

M is for May
N is for No
O is for OhOhOhOhOhOH O!

P is it self
Q is so queer
R is behind it self in the rear

S is for someday
T is Tom or row
U has now left behind me in sorrow

V is so Vexing
W is so Why
X is the rating for life by and by

Y is still Y
Z en the end

Spirit of 76

Happy Birthday Kongi!

L'amour fatigué

I'm tired of money all the time

I still love love
I still love rhyme

A little twist,
another shout

enraptured pleasure all the time.

Monday, July 12, 2010

The Even Load

I will not try broad reach again,
I will not sale before the wind,
No more my place bereft of men
Earda's farm wi' men thinned

Butt I will sit beside the fire,
And there, to fill my heart's desire,
Put my hand between my thighs,
The last of all our youless he's

Quiet evening kept his tryst:
Beneath an open sky we rode,
And passed into a cloudy mist
Along the perfect even load.

The salt even load that needs
Met O's gush to near the sound
Of waters mingling in the Reids,
And binds my heart to share his ground.

A lovely river, all alone,
He lingers in the hills and holes
A hundred little scents of tone,
Are gotten in the best end roles.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Baba Zumbi

I never liked hip-hop.

Of all the hip-hop I've previously heard
since some time in the '70s
there were two songs I liked
and I've forgotten both of them.

Hip-hop, basically dance music, I always hated disco.

Current commercial hip-hop is basically misogynistic шitty disco with foul language and buggery thuggery attitude.

So, someone had to come along an' prove me completely wrong.

Here he is: Baba Zumbi & here Zion I Crew

No, I'm not saying he's sell-out commercial, I'm saying he's made music that's witty not шitty and I enjoy listening to.
Three of the first songs of his I've listened to gave me the spine-tingling-emotion thrill thing and off hand I can't think of any current musician that's done that.

AMoral Alphabet (excerpt)

D: The Dashing Danny Boy he
Will he do his best for D.
The early bird observed with awe
His back, glistening sweat he saw.
His look was gay, his voice was strong;
His tail was neither short nor long;
His trunk most elongated nose,
Was large enough I would suppose;
His teeth, as O. the Wilde allows
With tongue he covers like a cow's
He often liked and swished to pass
Long peaceful nights smoking' the Grass,
A splash of brute, mad love preferred
To pop in baths without a bird
His creature slimier than the snail
You see at once it will not fail
To joy gladly when he slid
And tumbled (as he nightly did).
Then leave off with the morning light
Returning home; served up just right.

If you were born to walk the streets
Remain there; fool around.

E stands for Ego

Saturday, July 10, 2010


Young Algernon, the Proctor's son,
was playing with his loaded gun
pointed towards space
aimed violently and
blasted there!

His friend who was studying near,
the loud exaltation close heard
and recommended Algernon
be playing with his loaded gun.

Friday, July 09, 2010

A Trinity

Of three in One and One in three
My open mind was doubting thee
Till Bobby, George, and Kenny met
And all were one in body sweat

Thursday, July 08, 2010

Forever Boo

Spirit spinning
on top of bottom
all haint
time you
live within

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Nine things without space


Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Thunder ParT Not in Lightning

For sake 'n' forking from the old
love for the other lost
runny mouth
complaining all the time
unlike so manly
we respect

Sunday, July 04, 2010

US Treaty with Tripoli, 1796 - Article 11; first phrase

Article 11. As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; ... —US Treaty with Tripoli, 1796 - Article 11

U.S. Congressional Documents and Debates, 1774 - 1875
Annals of Congress, 5th Congress
Pages 3095 & 3096 of 3970

The Barbary Treaties 1786-1816
Treaty of Peace and Friendship, Signed at Tripoli November 4, 1796

Thursday, July 01, 2010

Dominique, mon bon Petit fils, garde-nous simples et gais

Dominique, mon bon Petit fils, garde-nous simples et gais
Pour annoncer a nos freres la Vie et la Verite